Testing Information
The ACT is given 7 times a year. You can find testing dates, registration information and locations on the ACT website.
It is recommended that juniors take the ACT in April and seniors take the ACT in October or December.
You can access the Preparing for the ACT booklet online.
Most people think ASVAB is the “ACT for military bound people”. That can be true, but it’s also one of the most comprehensive career exploration inventories for anyone. It’s more like an abilities and interests test. It can help determine occupations and careers that students might be interested in pursuing. The ASVAB is a test that consists of eight individual tests, including general science, arithmetic reading, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, electronics information, auto and shop information and mechanical comprehension. The eight tests are scored and are used to compile three composite scores for verbal, math skills, and science and technical skills. These scores then produce a broad number of occupations that the test taker might like to pursue.
The ASVAB test will be held on October 23, 2024 at LATC. Testing will begin at 8:30am and will last until about noon.
The SAT is an entrance exam used by some colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administered by the College Board. WHS does not currently administer the SAT. For testing dates and locations please visit the SAT website.

The NCRC will be given to our seniors in the spring. More info to be coming soon.