Dual Credit

Registration for 2025-2026 Information

Juniors - registration for summer dual credit courses is open now. If you would like to take dual credit courses over the summer and meet the requirements please reach out to your counselor or stop into Student Services to get registered soon.

Registration for next years classes will be upcoming in mid to late January. You can begin to prepare for that process by reviewing the Course Registration Handbook and creating some potential schedule plans to use on your registration day. If you have any questions please stop by the Student Services office.

Schedule Changes for 2024 - 2025

The process for requesting schedule changes has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. All changes will now need to be requested through a Google form. No changes will be accepted via telephone call or email. Please review the following information carefully so that you understand the process. Schedule changes for a class will only be allowed until the class has been in session for 3 days. At the end of the 3rd day you will no longer be able to change that class during that quarter. This form may not be monitored every day, please only submit one request and thank you for your patience.

Schedule Change Instructions

Schedule Change Request Form

Students if you are going on a college visit please have your parents call the attendance line at 605-882-6354 to excuse you and then stop into student services to fill out your post-high visit form.

Video links to Informational Videos

Video link to registration information for 8th graders

8th grade Registration Information Presentation

Video link to registration information for 9th - 11th graders

9-11 Registration Information Presentation

Would you like to stay up to date on the information your student(s) are receiving from the WHS Student Services office? 

Please sign up for our Student Services listserv!

You will receive emails that your student receives from our office regarding scholarships, class registration, etc. 

Each graduating class has their own listserv: 9th grade - 2028, 10th grade - 2027, 11th grade - 2026, and 12th grade - 2025.

You can leave the subject line blank.

For Seniors:

 Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2025

For Juniors:

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2026

For Sophomores:

Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2027

For Freshmen:

 Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2028