Would you like to stay up to date on the information your student(s) are receiving from the WHS Student Services office?
Please sign up for our Student Services listserv!
You will receive emails that your student receives from our office regarding scholarships, class registration, etc.
Each graduating class has their own listserv: 9th grade - 2028, 10th grade - 2027, 11th grade - 2026, and 12th grade - 2025.
You can leave the subject line blank.
For Seniors:
Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2025
For Juniors:
Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2026
For Sophomores:
Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2027
For Freshmen:
Send an email message to ListManager@k12.sd.us.
In the body of the message, type: Subscribe WatertownSS2028