Jefferson Elementary was built in 1996 and is home to approximately 340 students grades 1-4. Jefferson Elementary focuses on excellence and pride. All students are welcomed and challenged.

The Jefferson Elementary Staff provides our students with the best education possible. We are committed to the mission of the district, "Empowering ALL Students to Succeed In An Ever-Changing World."

Jefferson Elementary has high academic achievement and a strong Parent/Teacher Organization. Community support is incredible. Parents are encouraged to become involved in Jefferson Elementary School activities. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) offers many opportunities for volunteer services. You may also volunteer in your child's classroom.

Technology plays an integral part of instruction. We are continually increasing the use of technology at all grade levels. Technology is important for our students to use in order to succeed in the world of work and post-secondary education.

Social skill training and positive behavior management are stressed in classrooms. Social skills are taught and practiced on a daily basis.

BE Respectful, BE Responsible, BE Safe, and BE KIND are practiced everyday and expected as our school's MANTRA. All staff members have been trained how to teach and reinforce acceptable social skills.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our building or the services we offer at Jefferson Elementary.

John J. Decker, Principal


Jefferson Jaguars