Becca Briggs, Principal

Becca Briggs, Principal

Email Mrs. Briggs

Welcome to Lincoln Elementary! We serve approximately 400 students in Grade 1 through Grade 4. Our school is a warm, exciting and caring school where students enjoy learning. We are proud of this an also want students and parents to feel this pride!

Lincoln is committed to engaging, meaningful and rigorous work in classrooms. We are also committed to an emphasis on high expectations in positive behavior choices in creating a safe learning environment for all Arrows to learn and grow both personally and as learners.

As in any educational setting, our ability to work as a team is essential. Thus, as your children's primary teacher, thank you for partnering with us to ensure success in their educational experience.

You are encouraged to visit our school. I believe you will find our Lincoln community alive and well. On behalf of all the Lincoln Arrows, I extend a warm and friendly "WELCOME"!


Becca Briggs, Principal

Lincoln's Belief Statements

1. The primary goal of our school is to prepare students for life by providing a foundation in academic skills.

2. Building positive relationships among students, families, and staff will create an environment where all feel safe and valued.

3. Learners benefit from high expectations for academic and social success.

4. Instruction designed to meet a variety of learning styles enables all students to succeed.

5. Education is a shared responsibility (parents, staff, students, and community) that influences students' relationships and achievements.

Watertown School District Goals

1. All students will graduate from High School (on time) and be post-secondary prepared.

2. The Watertown School District will achieve academic excellence via the enhancement of curricular, co-curricular, & extra curricular offerings.

3. All teaching staff will be highly trained to utilize research-based methodologies, and continue to integrate technology to maximize student achievement an success.

4. Through meeting the needs of learners and supporting our staff, the Watertown School district will offer the best teaching and learning opportunities in South Dakota.

5. The Watertown School District will maintain financial viability.

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1100 13th St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
fax: 605-882-6365