
Mrs. Knopf

McKinley Early Childhood Center for preschool - kindergarten students is a warm and caring environment where we strive to educate the whole child. Students are taught both academic and social skills to ensure our district's goal of "enabling all children to succeed in an ever-changing world."

Academically, students are exposed to a curriculum that is creative and connected to the real world, leaving them prepared for success both now and in the future. All of our staff members are trained in teaching social skills to develop a well balanced student. Social skills are taught and practiced daily, nurturing a respectful and positive school atmosphere.

We welcome you to visit our school, call or email with any questions you may have. I look forward to meeting and working with each of you.

 Mrs. Knopf, Principal


McKinley's Belief Statements:

The McKinley School staff believe that, with the help of the home and community, we can provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Attend school in a safe and caring environment

  • Learn pertinent skills with carry-over for later use in life

  • Experience success-oriented programming

  • Have a continuous and coordinated curriculum

  • Develop a self-awareness and positive self-image

  • Develop positive peer group relationships and experiences

  • Initiate self-motivation

To enable students to achieve these goals, they should be provided with:

  • A variety of programs in our schools to develop knowledge of opportunities available in society.

  • Opportunity for a sound, basic education necessary for an individual to function in society.

  • Adequate facilities for instruction, keeping in mind class size, availability of materials, relevancy of textbooks and classroom setting.

  • Instruction that is student centered, recognizing individual needs, differences, and abilities.

  • Opportunity to develop citizenship skills as a part of a student's education.

  • Opportunity to practice acceptable social skills.


McKinley Elementary School uses the Boys Town Educational Model to assist our students with learning social skills and helping them learn how to be productive members of the community. Boys Town Educational Model is a specific program that teaches school staff how to communicate more effectively with students and how to consistently handle discipline situations. The entire Watertown School District uses the Boys Town Educational Model and school administrator's are trained in the Administrative Intervention process.


Parent-teacher conferences are held at the end of 1st quarter. At that time the report card is discussed with the parent. The school believes the conference is beneficial because it provides the parents and teachers an opportunity to share information that will be of assistance in working with the child. Parents or teachers may request additional conferences if necessary.


A monthly newsletter, "McKinley School News" is made available on our website at the beginning of each month. This newsletter includes recent school news, upcoming events, and other school-related information.


Report cards are shared with parents at the first quarter conference and are sent home with children at the end of quarters two, three, and four.

McKinley Elementary School
5 12th St SW, Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: 605-882-6350
Fax: 605-882-6351