5th and 6th grade Art made Dragon Eyes!
Fridays are one of our favorite days because of Character Awards! Congrats!
Join us for a PTO meeting tomorrow at 12:30!
ACEs training opportunity
Staff Spotlight
What's Happening
Girls on the Run is looking for participants and volunteers!
No School on Monday January 20th
Early Release January 24th @ 12:30
Check out these awesome Arrows of Character!
Congratulations to our Friday Arrows of Character!
MAP Testing next week (January 13th- January 17th)
Each classes schedule may vary for the time of day for testing.
If you are worried about a conflict, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Yellowstone Caring Project
Staff Spotlight
Congratulations to our Arrows of Character!
Happy New Year! The Intermediate School ended 2024 with each pod completing a caring project. The Arches pod collected donations for the Beacon Center!
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship!
✨Look at these 5th and 6th grade carolers! ✨
Congratulations to our Arrows of Character!