Happy Veteran's Day
Reminder, No School Monday November 11th for Veterans Day
Upcoming events for WIS and High School sports.
It's not too late to sign up for conferences!
Please use the link to help provide for the conference meal for staff members on Thursday and treats for Friday morning. Thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0844ABA823A7F58-52887842-ptoconference#/
Happy Halloween from the WIS! Stay safe, GO ARROWS!
Take a look at the WIS PTO fundraiser! Order forms are available at the Intermediate School. Order forms were sent home with each student. Orders due Nov. 13th!
Thursday is Halloween, please remember to Tick or Treat safely!
Staff Spotlight!
What's Happening this week!
Congratulations to these happy Arrows of Character!
Early Release tomorrow!
WIS Staff Spotlight
WIS Arrows of Character!
What's Happening Oct 21-25
Thank you to all Watertown School District bus drivers for keeping our students safe!
PTO meeting tomorrow at 12:30. Everyone is welcome to join!
Picture Retakes tomorrow at WIS
WIS Staff Spotlight!
Events coming up in Watertown!