January 30th proved to be a tasty day in Mrs. Hogue's fourth grade classroom.
Through the power of the pen(cil), two fourth grade students, Barett and Carter, wrote a persuasive essay to Mrs. Caitlin Bach, the Food Services Director.
The idea originated when Barett asked why we didn't have "Sloppy Joes" anymore. He was informed that those decisions were made by Mrs. Bach and that she has guidelines to follow, BUT, she is always willing to listen from our students.
A few days later Barett and Carter handed Mr. Decker a letter of persuasion along with their classmates' signatures as to why we should have "Sloppy Joes" for lunch. The letter was then forwarded to Mrs. Paulsen, the Jefferson Kitchen Manager, and Mrs. Bach.
Within a matter of days, Mrs. Bach had responded that she would like Mrs. Hogue's class to taste-test a new recipe for "Sloppy Joes". We are grateful that Mrs. Bach took the time to listen and include our students on the decision making process.
BUT WAIT! Thats not all. Mrs. Hogue's class has been invited to attend a "RED CARPET meal at Lake Area Technical College by President Tiffany Sanderson. Students will eat and have a tour of various departments.
We are proud of all of our students at Jefferson. Carter and Barett showed that change can be made by using teamwork and the power of the pen(cil)!