The PTO has asked us to send this out on their behalf. Please click on the link below.
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
WIS dress up days for next week: Tues - 12/17 holiday socks Wed - 12/18 Santa hat Thurs - 12/19 Holiday Best - wear your best holiday clothes Fri - 12/20 Ugly sweater
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Congratulations to Owen for earning a positive office referral today! Way to go!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Owen Positive Office Referral
No sixth grade girls basketball practice tomorrow! 5th grade band & orchestra concert at 6:00 6th grade band & orchestra concert at 7:30 All in the WIS gym!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Lincoln, a #wisarrows 5th grade student, wrote a letter to author John Hendrix as part of a class project. Mr. Hendrix wrote a handwritten letter back and sent an original piece of artwork from the book!
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Hendrix Book
6th grade chorus concerts tonight! 6:00 teams 6C & 6D (Hanson, Maag, Harte, Trapp, Robel, Harper) 7:30 teams 6A & 6B (Bellum, Lindgren, Hakeman, Unzen, Russell, Decker)
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Congratulations to Mrs. Jolene Sutton, Office Assistant at Lincoln Elementary. Mrs. Sutton was named the SDEA Educational Support Professional of the Year for the state of South Dakota!! Congratulations to Mrs. Sutton!!
about 5 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Jolene Sutton
Congratulations to Mr. Chad Johnson, Assistant Principal at Watertown Middle School. Mr. Johnson has just been named the Assistant Principal of the Year for the state of South Dakota!!
about 5 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Chad Johnson
THANK YOU to the Watertown High School PBIS and Peer Helpers groups for helping with the #wisarrows KINDNESS project! #kindnessmatters
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
WHS PBIS and Peer Helpers group
Please take a few minutes to complete this family survey for WIS by clicking the link below!
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
If you have not signed up for a conference, please do so ASAP. Conferences are Monday and Thursday.
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Due to conferences, there will be no choir club on Monday, November 4.
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Parents - if you have had struggles signing up for conferences, the issue should be fixed. Please try again.
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Parents - please see the attached for directions to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Picture retakes are tomorrow at WIS! Also, tomorrow is the last day for Box Top collection. Send your Box Tops to school with your 5th or 6th grader!
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Thank you to Adam from the Watertown Fire Department for coming to WIS to educate our fifth grade students on fire safety!
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Fire Safety
Box Top contest through Friday, October 18! The class that collects the most Box Tops gets a pizza party. Second place gets donuts and juice. Send your Box Tops to school with your student!
about 5 years ago, WIS Arrows
Box Tops Contest
There will be NO CHOIR CLUB Oct, 7, 14 and 21. Thank you for making adjustments! The next club meeting will be Oct. 28.
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Congratulations to our character award winners for the week! Thanks for showing great character!!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Character Award Winners
Congratulations to our positive office referral recipients Rhys and Declan. Thanks for showing responsible behavior and a great attitude!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Bollinger
Positive Office Referrals