From the Watertown School District: A big thank you to all of you for your work getting us through the 4th quarter. Report cards will be mailed out on Friday, May 29. A reminder that the Boys and Girls Club will be starting lunches for the summer on Tues. May 26. Watch for details on the start of school scheduled for Aug. 27. We don't know what this will look like yet, but we are anxious for a return to school this Fall. Please check out the 2020 Graduation Ceremony on Sun. May 24 at 2:00 PM. Links for viewing can be found at http://watertown.k12.sd.us. Have a great summer!!
Computer/iPad and charger collection goes until 5:00pm tomorrow! Come to get your ticket to the CARnival (2-5pm)!
We have a new mystery reader. Watch here: https://youtu.be/OZB3GukKwxk
Diabetes Support Group is meeting at 6:30pm on May 19th. Please call Amanda at 882-7849 to sign up.
We are excited for the McKinley CARnival! Please bring your iPads, computers and chargers (fully charged) to McKinley on Wednesday or Thursday to receive a ticket to the CARnival!
![CARnival flyer](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/867112/large_McKinley_CARnival.jpg)
![CARnival map](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/867113/large_McKinley_CARnival_street_map.jpg)
From the Watertown School District: The year is coming to a close with a materials turn-in on May 20-21. Please have the devices charged and turned on for return. Details will come from the building. Please join us in recognizing the Class of 2020 with a parade on May 20 at 7:30 PM. Graduation will be broadcast on Sunday, May 24 at 2:00 PM. Summer school will not take place until August, and Driver's Eduction will start in July. These students will be contacted separately about attendance. Thanks for all of your help. Have a great weekend!
From the Watertown School District: We are excited to announce a Graduation Parade for the Class of 2020 on Wednesday, May 20 at 7:30 PM. More details in the attached flyer. Come out and celebrate with this years graduates!!
![WHS Graduation Parade](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/863757/large_1589492010000.jpeg)
All parents/guardians are invited to join the WSD Title Meeting virtually on Monday, May 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. If interested, please email your principal or Shannon.Smith@k12.sd.us for the Zoom meeting invitation. Prizes for those in attendance. Please join us!
From the Watertown School District: Happy Mother's Day to all our Moms!! The final materials exchange will take place at all buildings on Monday, May 11 from 8-5. We will be getting details out to families about end-of-year turn in to be held on May 20-21. Graduation ceremonies will be broadcast on Sunday, May 24 at 2:00 PM on the local Government channel, KXLG, KWAT, and Public Opinion websites. We are also aiming for an in-person graduation celebration on Sunday, July 26. Thanks again for all your help during this time. We appreciate it. Have a great weekend.
Check out this video for a read aloud with a new mystery reader!
There is a new mystery reader for you to listen to here: https://youtu.be/wiwa29jD4fM
From the Watertown School District: Thank you parents for filling out the survey on our Flex Learning. We appreciate the feedback. Please note that we are closing off our playground equipment according to CDC guidelines. We intend to continue the Flex Learning until Thursday, May 21. We will have another materials exchange day on Monday, May 4 from 8-5 at all buildings. Graduation details were emailed to seniors this afternoon. We still intend to recognize the Class of 2020 on Sunday, May 24 and hope for an in person ceremony in July. Have a great weekend.
We have another mystery reader. Check out the video by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48EDqcDzUlU
From the Watertown School District: We will have another materials exchange on Monday, April 27 from 8-5 at all buildings. Senior students have been surveyed about graduation, and we will make an announcement soon about the May 24 ceremony. Parents, please help us gather feedback about our flexible learning by filling out the survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xMsy5tXrHP91hK7R_BZoC98A-SpCw-iyMRjq-sUUxVs/edit. Please continue to take advantage of the free student lunches served daily. Have a great weekend.
Check out today's Mystery Reader!
From the Watertown School District: Materials Exchange will take place on Mon., April 20 from 8-5 at all buildings. The final day of school for students will be Thurs. May 21. The PACH program will no longer have a separate distribution and will instead be included in the Community Food Distribution held at the Boys & Girls Club on Thursdays at 4:00 PM. More information coming soon on graduation. Have a great weekend.
Good morning McKinley Colts. Check out this mystery reader: https://youtu.be/se42VHLtfts
Here is a new mystery reader video. See if you can guess who the reader is before the end of the book. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyis6m7Jyxc&feature=youtu.be
We have another mystery reader for you. Please enjoy this video. Can you tell who the reader is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usjc9JurKTg
From the Watertown School District: No school or lunches served on Fri. April 10 and Mon. April 13. We will continue with flex learning on Tues. April 14. Our next materials exchange will be on Mon. April 20. Thanks for your continued help with all of our school needs. One tip to keep in mind is to remember to login to the filter each day on the school device. Enjoy the long weekend.