Ms. Mack is magnificent! Her preschool classes enjoy coming to school every day! Shelby has a contagious smile and loves to share the progress her students make on new skills. Ms. Mack says her favorite thing about the job is “Building relationships with students and watching them grow throughout the year.” Thank you Ms. Mack; we appreciate you!
3 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
McKinley Early Childhood Center is closed Monday-Friday March 17th-21st. Monday and Tuesday are scheduled Preschool and Kindergarten screenings. McKinley students do not attend screenings. Then: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we are closed for Spring Break. Enjoy this time with your family.
6 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Spring Break
Miss Jacque is joyful! Her preschool class has so much fun learning new things every day! Mrs. Blaha shows compassion and kindness to every student. Jacque says her favorite thing about the job is “Watching students grow throughout the year and the relationships that I build with my students. I am in education because I feel like every day I get the chance to make an impact on the students in my classroom.” Thank you Miss Jacque; we appreciate you!
10 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
McKinley Early Childhood Center dismisses at 12:20 on Wednesday, February 26th, for teacher inservice. If your child is not sure of their after school routine for that day, please inform the office at 605-882-6350. Thank you!
16 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early dismissal
Mrs. Moeller is magical! Her music classroom is humming with excitement. She continues to bring her best energy to the building day after day. Peggy says her favorite thing about the job is “I get to spread the joy of singing and dancing with kids all day!” Thank you Mrs. Moeller; we appreciate you!
17 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
Mrs. Zemlicka is zestful! Her kindergarten classroom is constantly learning and creating. She comes to work with smiles and love. Ashley says her favorite thing about the job is “I love kids! Watching students get excited when they understand something. This age they are filled with some much light and have so much room for growth. ” Thank you Mrs. Zemclika; we appreciate you!
24 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
There is no school on Monday, February 17th for President's Day. Enjoy your long weekend!
27 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
President day
Reminder: There is no school tomorrow for Parent Teacher Conferences (nor on Monday for President's Day). If you haven't done so already, please sign up for a conference here:
28 days ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Ms. Foust is fabulous! Her kindergarten classroom is a great space for students to learn and grow. She is always positive and kind with staff and students alike. Yvette says her favorite thing about the job is “The kids! I love watching the growth from the first to last day!” Thank you Ms. Foust; we appreciate you!
about 1 month ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
McKinley will have a book fair during Parent/Teacher conferences next Friday! You can shop with your student between 8am-4pm. If you prefer, your student can shop during their regular library time. *Please communicate with your child's teacher if you are sending money for books with your student.
about 1 month ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
book fair
Mrs. Catlette is caring! She is McKinley’s librarian. She greets students every morning and is excited to start each day with a smile, a hug or a high five. The library is a warm and welcoming space for students. The classes do activities, crafts, dances and reading during her livley library time! Becky says her favorite thing about the job is “Helping kids grow a love of books and getting shy, sweet kids to feel loved and comfortable at school.” Thank you Mrs. Catlette; we appreciate you!
about 1 month ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
Parent Teacher Conferences for all students will be held on Friday, February 14th from 8am-4pm. No school for students this day. Additional spots on Wednesday, February 26th between 8am-12:20pm for preschool. Note: 2-26-25 is an early dismissal for JK-K students (12:20pm). No preschool this day. If you haven't done so already, please sign up for a conference here:
about 1 month ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Miss Kami is caring! She teaches with love and patience. Her students love to learn and grow in her classroom every day. Mrs. Dilworth says her favorite thing about the job is”I love all the little things - how honest kiddos are about everything, the look on kids’ faces when they get something right that has taken a lot of practice, and I love making connections to reach kiddos. I love teaching Preschoolers!” Thank you Miss Kami, we appreciate you!
about 1 month ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
McKinley Early Childhood Center dismisses at 12:20 on Friday, January 24th, for teacher inservice. If your child is not sure of their after school routine for that day, please inform the office at 605-882-6350. Thank you! REMINDER: PM Preschool students will attend in the AM tomorrow. AM students will not attend. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early dismissal
Mrs. Hanson and Miss Sidney are splendid! They both ready to help in the classrooms every day! They are professional and positive! Cameron says her favorite thing about the job is”My “why” is I have such a strong desire to make students feel loved and welcomed. I strive for kids to enjoy learning and I love watch them grow a love for school!“ Sidney says “I’m in education because I love working with kids and seeing the progress they make throughout the years!!” Thank you Cameron and Sidney, we appreciate you!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
There is no school on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy your long weekend. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
MLK day
There is no school at McKinley Early Childhood Center March 17th-21st. If your student is currently in McKinley Preschool or Jr. Kindergarten, they do not attend Kindergarten Roundup. -Preschool Screening & Kindergarten Roundup will happen on the 17th and 18th. -All Schools will be closed the 19th-21st for Spring Break.
about 2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Mrs. Popham is phenomenal! She is a bright light in our building. Kelsey comes to work every day with compassion and motivation to help staff and students alike. She is so dedicated! Kelsey says her favorite thing about the job is “Fostering impactful relationships and advocating for children whose voices need to be heard! ” Thank you Mrs. Popham, we appreciate you!
about 2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
Mrs. Hanson is heroic! She is McKinley Early Childhood Center’s Occupational Therapy Assistant. Gracey comes to school ready to help every day. She is kind and caring. She says her favorite thing about the job is “I chose to go into pediatrics because I like working with kids and love being around their bright energy!” Thank you Mrs. Hanson, we appreciate you!
2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
Happy New Year to our McKinley Family! See you soon as we return to school on Thursday, January 2nd.
2 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
New Year