A well-oiled machine...... the Watertown Transportation Department gets us going every day safely. Thanks to all our drivers!!
Homecoming buttons will be sold tomorrow, 9/4/19. Students can purchase them for $1 during their lunch (11:00-12:15). These buttons will get you in to the Legend on Monday and the Pep Rally on Thursday. Go Arrows!
G.I.F.T. (Get It Finished Today), our after school program for 2nd-4th graders to their finish homework has started. There is no charge for this program. It runs from 3:30-4:30 Monday - Thursday. Sign up forms are in the office if you are interested in having your child join!
Just a reminder, there is no school tomorrow for Labor Day. We will see you Tuesday!
Please check out the September newsletter on our new website under "Documents". Have a great long weekend. School resumes on Tuesday the 3rd!
Reminder: Tomorrow is picture day! If you plan on ordering photos, and have not yet sent in your order form, please send it with your child tomorrow. Thanks!
Stop by and visit McKinley's "Little Library" on the south side of the building by the Kindergarten/1st grade doors! Bring a book - take a book. Thank you Ethan Jones of Boy Scouts troop 209 for putting it in for us!
Thanks for a great First Day of School!! See you again tomorrow at all buildings.
Reminder: Open house for K-4th grade is TONIGHT from 5:15-6:15. // Preschool open house is tomorrow night AM class from 5:15-5:45 and PM class from 6:00-6:30
Pay for your students meals through MealTime at no charge! Food service deposits will no longer be charged a processing fee for paying online. Go to MyMealTime.com to register. Contact your school for the required student code. Save time, pay online!
Kindergarten students - Remember to get your Kindergarten shots before school!
McKinley Preschool has openings for the 2019-2020 school year. Children must be 4 years old on or before September 1st. Call 882-6350.
Open House will be Tuesday, August 20 at 5:15! Hope to see you all there!
McKinley Parents: You are invited to PTO Planning and Pizza meeting on Wednesday, August 21 at 11:00am. Help us plan for a great year at McKinley! Pizza will be provided.
McKinley School Supply List
2019-2020 District Calendar
McKinley has Preschool openings for the 2019-2020 school year. If you have a child that will be 4 years old on or before September 1st call McKinley at 882-6350.
Welcome to the new website and app for the Watertown School District!
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We had a blast on the last day of school!