Friday was purple and gold day. Also, a big thank you goes to our PTO for putting together our homecoming float!
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
purple and gold day
float in parade
float decorating
We had hat day on Thursday. Check out these smiles!
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Hat day
Reminder: We will dismiss at 1:20 today for the homecoming parade.
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
homecoming parade
You are invited to the Arrow Education Foundation tailgate fundraiser tomorrow night at the stadium. $5 per person or $20 per family will get you hamburger/hot dog, chips and a drink.
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
tailgate 2024
We were full of homecoming spirit today! The football cheerleaders greeted our students this morning. Many students wore crazy socks to celebrate the kick off of our dress up days. Let's go Arrows!
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
crazy socks day
cheerleaders greeting students
McKinley students learned about Constitution Day today. Some classes watched a constitution day video for kids and had a happy constitution day coloring page! It was a big word for our little learners! Others displayed a map on the SmartBoard and showed the students where we live in the United States. They made American Flags at station time and talked about how we are proud to live in the USA!
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Constitution Day
Mrs. Gilmour and Mrs. Krause have been enjoying the new full day Jr. Kindergarten classes. They do a wonderful job with their students. They love being around all the little kids and the funny things they say. Teaching them many new things and watching them grow physically and academically. Way to go Kim & Lindsay!
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
employee spotlight
If your child misses part of a school day for a medical appointment, bringing a note from the doctor will excuse their absence.
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Dr. note
Let us never forget those we lost on September 11th, 2001. -Patriot Day -Remember & Honor - 9-11-01-
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Patriot Day
High school students will come to McKinley Early Childhood Center on Thursday and Friday to sell buttons during lunch time. These buttons are $2 each and will give you entrance to the Legend on Monday night as well as the Powderpuff and Pep Rally on Thursday night.
4 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
button sale
Picture re-takes are on October 16th. We will send pictures home when they arrive in a few weeks. If you did not order, but still want you, you will receive a code to use online to place an order.
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
picture retakes
We believe that our employees are the heart of our success. Each month, we shine a spotlight on some of our exceptional team members who go above and beyond in their role. Kim and Michael have been working hard getting the technology ready for our building. They are very helpful, efficient & hard working. Way to go Kim & Michael!
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staff spotlight
McKinley Early Childhood Parents, Please click on the link and read the letter before Monday morning: Thank you, Mrs. Knopf
5 months ago, Mrs. Knopf
Things to remember for the first day of school!
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
first day reminders
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
developmental screening
In addition to Project Learn, Lake Area is offering another option for after school care. Click the link to get more information on their program, Educare:
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Lake Area Educare
As we gear up for school, a reminder on our enhancements to busing this year, including direct busing from Lincoln, Jefferson, and Mellette to McKinley’s Early Childhood Center as well as a direct bus to the Boys & Girls Club after school. Find full details here. The transportation schedule by building can be found here. Questions can be directed to Wade Heiser, Transportation Director at 605-882-6335.
5 months ago, Jeff Danielsen
As we gear up for school, a reminder on our enhancements to busing this year, including direct busing from Lincoln, Jefferson, and Mellette to McKinley’s Early Childhood Center as well as a direct bus to the Boys & Girls Club after school. Find full details here. The transportation schedule by building can be found here. Questions can be directed to Wade Heiser, Transportation Director at 605-882-6335.
5 months ago, Jeff Danielsen
You may pay for preschool fees at this site: McKinley Early Childhood Center. Where we are empowering all students to succeed in an ever-changing world.
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
McKinley ECC
Welcome Back to School! If you haven't already signed up for conferences, please do so here: If you did not receive a letter in the mail from the teacher, please call the office at 605-882-6350. Thanks!
5 months ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Welcome to School