No school for the Watertown School District on Thursday, February 23rd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Thursday. Take care!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
No school for the Watertown School District on Wednesday, February 22nd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Wednesday. Stay safe!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
School is dismissing at 2:15. Please let us know if your child's after school plan is different than normal. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early out
The Watertown School District will dismiss at 2:15 PM on Tuesday, February 21st. Evening activities will be either postponed or canceled.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Calendar update reminder: Tomorrow is a full day, dismissal at 3:20. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
22-23 Calendar
SCHOOL BOARD APPRECIATION WEEK! Sophie Heck presented a thank you to School Board Member, Tammy Rieber, on Monday night. Thank you Tammy and our school board for all that you do!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
The Watertown School District will be hosting a Family Mental Health Night on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7:00 PM. This is specific to Watertown families, and the preregistration can be accessed at Thanks for considering.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
You can still sign up for this online meeting.
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Anxiety & Depression
There is no school on Monday for President's Day. Enjoy this long weekend!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
President's Day
The Watertown School District is seeking community input on our elementary schools. If you haven't seen any of the presentations, viewing information is included in the survey. Thank you for taking the time to respond. The survey link is also included on our district web pages.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
Tomorrow there is no school due to parent teacher conferences (8am-4pm). If you forgot what time you've signed up for, please contact the office at 605-882-6350. Thanks! Also, we will not have school on Monday to celebrate President's Day! Enjoy this long weekend.
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Conferences are tomorrow and Friday. If you do not remember what time you've signed up for, please contact the office at 882-6350. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
February conferences
The Watertown School District will be closed on Wednesday, February 15th. All activities are cancelled for the day.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
The Watertown School District will start two hours late on Wednesday, February 15th. All morning practices and activities will also start two hours late. Conditions will be evaluated in the morning if further postponement is needed.
about 2 years ago, Jeff Danielsen
We had a special Royal Reader today. Bryon Noem took some time to read a book to both 3rd grade classes. Thank you Mr. Noem!
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Royal Reader Noem
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
February conferences
Please sign up for a conference time with your child(ren)'s teacher at this link:
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
February conferences
Please consider attending this online meeting.
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Anxiety & Depression
TOMORROW NIGHT: The Third and Fourth Grade Students are invited to perform a parachute routine during halftime of the High School Girls Varsity Basketball Game on Tuesday,  January 24th at the Watertown Arena.     The game will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Students need to meet in the auxiliary gym following first quarter of the Varsity game to practice as a group. Students and their parents without an activity ticket will be admitted free of charge.   Thank You, Watertown Elementary  Physical Education Teachers
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Tomorrow is an early dismissal. We release at 12:20pm. Please make sure your student knows how they are getting home.
about 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early out