Due to rural road conditions, the Watertown School District will be dismissing on Thursday, March 9th at 1:15 PM. All afterschool and evening activities will either be postponed or canceled. The Girls State BB Tournaments will still be going, as those are SDHSAA events.
Last Thursday McKinley students and staff participated in Drop Everything And Read times throughout the day!
The Watertown School District will be two hours late on Monday, March 6th. No breakfast will be served, and there is no AM preschool. All morning activities will also start two hours late.
We will be dismissing at 2:15pm on Wednesday 3/1/23. Please let us know if your child's after school plan is changed.
The Watertown School District will be dismissing at 2:15 PM on Wednesday, March 1st. After school activities are either postponed or canceled. Thank you.
Reminder: This program starts next week! If your 3rd/4th grade daughter is interested, please register here: www.embe.org/gotr or have them reach out to Mrs. Catlette for more information!
Read Across America Week is next week. Let's celebrate reading and Dr. Seuss' birthday with some fun!
Here is the passcode for the mental health webinar link that was just sent. REQUIRED PASSCODE: U$a7PR8d
If you were unable to attend the mental health Zoom meeting regarding anxiety and depression, you can re-play it here: https://cookcenter.info/WatertownFeb21Replay
Also attached are some local mental health resources.
No school for the Watertown School District on Thursday, February 23rd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Thursday. Take care!
No school for the Watertown School District on Wednesday, February 22nd. All activities are postponed or canceled for Wednesday. Stay safe!
School is dismissing at 2:15. Please let us know if your child's after school plan is different than normal. Thanks!
The Watertown School District will dismiss at 2:15 PM on Tuesday, February 21st. Evening activities will be either postponed or canceled.
Calendar update reminder: Tomorrow is a full day, dismissal at 3:20. Thanks!
SCHOOL BOARD APPRECIATION WEEK! Sophie Heck presented a thank you to School Board Member, Tammy Rieber, on Monday night. Thank you Tammy and our school board for all that you do!
The Watertown School District will be hosting a Family Mental Health Night on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7:00 PM. This is specific to Watertown families, and the preregistration can be accessed at https://cookcenter.info/WatertownFeb21. Thanks for considering.
You can still sign up for this online meeting.
There is no school on Monday for President's Day. Enjoy this long weekend!
The Watertown School District is seeking community input on our elementary schools. If you haven't seen any of the presentations, viewing information is included in the survey. Thank you for taking the time to respond. The survey link is also included on our district web pages. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtFGEdYAzZyeFa5pH2xHMb2CITW32nBo6rs4LaYVOX7e97fA/viewform.
Tomorrow there is no school due to parent teacher conferences (8am-4pm). If you forgot what time you've signed up for, please contact the office at 605-882-6350. Thanks! Also, we will not have school on Monday to celebrate President's Day! Enjoy this long weekend.