More Disney fun on the last day!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
What an amazing group of McKinley Colts we have! Our last day was magical: we had Cruella's Crazy Hunt, Finding Nemo and Disney midnight bowling games, Disney arts and crafts as well as Disney themed snacks. These students worked so hard to earn the delightful Disney day by running laps every week. They put in enough laps combined to total 1,704 miles (to Disney World in Orlando, FL)!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Third Grade toured Watertown and learned about our history this week.
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Redlin Center1
Redlin Center2
Heritage Museum
Today is the last day of school. We dismiss at 12:20. Please call the office if your child's doesn't know their after school plan. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
last day of school
Mrs. Hatton's class learned so much in Junior Achievement. Thank you to our volunteer, Mitch Anderson!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
GOTR girls had a successful Girls on the Run season! They donated supplies to the Humane Society for their Community Impact Project and they completed a 5K! Way to go GOTR girls!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
humane society
5K team
5K pep talk
The Boys&Girls Club will be closed next week, May 23-27, for summer prep. Please make sure your child knows their after school plans. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
We have ONE more day! The Watertown Area Girls On The Run (GOTR girls) are holding a Pet Supply Drive. All items donated will go to the Watertown Area Humane Society. If you wish to participate, please leave donations in the box outside the office. Supplies will be donated 5/19/22.
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
TODAY: As a part of the fitness testing, students are offered the opportunity to participate in the mile run at the track. Students are asked to participate in this activity during their scheduled time. Students will need a partner tor responsible person to record lap times for participants. There is a sheet provided to students. Please bring this sheet and a pen to record lap times using the large score clock at the Watertown track facility.
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Presidential Mile
Thank you for joining us for Family Fun Night - Camp Read-a-Lot!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Preschool zoo and others at morning recess fun!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
am zoo
pm zoo
4th Grade DeSmet trip and Earth clean up Day!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
clean up
2nd Grade zoo trip!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
UPDATE!!! Due to impending weather, we are moving the Camp Read-A-Lot to 4:30-5:30 tonight INSIDE at McKinley. We will have camping themed snacks and games as well as reading information!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Camp Read A Lot
Watertown Optimist Club's Bike Safety Inspections: Practicing safe techniques, wearing a helmet and having a safe bike are the first steps in preventing bicycle related injuries and deaths. The Watertown Optimist Club along with the Codington County Extension Service and Watertown Police Department will be inspecting bicycles for safety concerns at no charge from May 2-16. Students who have their bicycle inspected will receive a coupon from Papa Murphy’s Pizza and their name will be put in a drawing for a free helmet sponsored by SD Emergency Medical Services for Children and the South Dakota Highway Safety Program. We will be at each site after school dismissal to inspect and repair bicycles until 4:00 pm. Find us at the bike racks. Students are welcome to go to any school for the bicycle inspections. McKinley's inspections will be held on Friday, May 6!
over 2 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
bike safety
Fourth Grade Parent’s Night at WIS on May 2 at 6:00 Watertown Intermediate School will be holding a parent’s night for parents of 4th grade students on Monday, May 2 at 6:00pm in the WIS Arrow Zone. Principal Jen Bollinger and Vice Principal Tim Kruse will provide valuable information to parents about their child’s transition and first year at the Intermediate School. We look forward to seeing you on May 2 at 6:00. Please call at 882-6355 if you have questions.
almost 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Don't forget Title 1 night tomorrow at Garfield starting at 5:30!
almost 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Thank you "4 the Kids" for providing snacks for our students! We are so appreciative!
almost 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Koll and 4tK
Tomorrow, 4/22/22 is an early dismissal at 12:20 (5th-12th grade dismiss at 12:30). Please make sure your child knows what their after school plan is. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early out
You are invited to a family Title I information night next Tuesday, April 26th from 5:30-6:30pm. There will be snacks provided and you will receive math and reading activities to take home.
almost 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
zoo flyer
title 1 english
title 1 spanish