The McKinley “Little Free Library” is in need of books to share. Feel free to put any books you are no longer using in the little library box located at the south end of the school by the Kindergarten/1st grade doors. A Little Free Library is a free book-sharing box where anyone may take a book or share a book. They function on the honor system. You do not need to share a book in order to take one. If you take a book or two from a little library, try to bring some to share to that same library, or another in your area, when you can. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Enjoy your long weekend. No school on Friday, 11/12/21. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Veterans Day
Mr. Neale has challenged the students to a "Race to Disney World"! Every week, they total the number of laps they run to see how far they've traveled. Last week they had enough laps to reach Missouri Valley, IA. This week, they've added enough to make it to Watson, MO! If they reach the goal, they will have a Disney theme week during PE. Way to stay active kids! #letsgoCOLTS!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Disney map
Staying Connected:
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
staying connected
If you have not signed up for parent teacher conferences (Nov 8th and 9th), please do so now: Preschool-Mrs. Borkhuis: Kindergarten-Mrs. Pieper: Kindergarten-Mrs. St. Sauver: 1st Grade-Mrs. Anderson: 1st Grade-Mrs. Turbak: 2nd Grade-Mrs. Hatton: 2nd Grade-Mrs. Nelson: 3rd Grade-Mrs. Clausen: 3rd Grade-Mrs. Thomas: 4th Grade-Mrs. Kluver: 4th Grade-Mrs. VanWell:
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
McKinley is having a book fair! Shop during parent teacher conferences next Monday or Tuesday night or you can go online from Nov 3-Nov 11th:
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Book Fair
Don't forget to send coats, hats and gloves to school. It is cold at recess. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Coats hats gloves
Thank you Officer Eli Kuhlman for visiting McKinley!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Officer Eli
First Grade had fun carving pumpkins yesterday!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Turbak pumpkins
Anderson pumpkins
Tomorrow is an early out (12:20). Please make sure your child(ren) know how they are getting home.
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Early out
Creepy Crawly friends from Bramble Park Zoo stopped by 3rd grade today!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Please sign up for conferences using the link to your child(ren)'s teachers below: Borkhuis: Pieper: St. Sauver: Anderson: Turbak: Hatton: Nelson: Clausen: Thomas: VanWell: Kluver: Call the office with any questions 882-6350. Thanks!
about 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
McKinley students are EXCITED to have Godfather's pizza for lunch today!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
We'd like to give bus driver, Holly Anderson, a shout out! Thank you for all you do for McKinley and Watertown School District every day. We appreciate you!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Holly Anderson
Picture re-takes are on Monday, October 18th. If your student was absent on picture day, they will have a picture taken on the 18th. If you are not happy with the original photos, please return the packet with the uncut photos on the 18th and give the school a call so we can be sure they get a second photo taken. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Picture Retake Day's chilly out there! Make sure to send sweatshirts or jackets to school.
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Have a wonderful long weekend. No school on Monday for Native American Day!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Thank you BUNCHES for our lunches! Cindy, Nancy and Mary are rockstars at getting lunches plated and serving them with a smile. Thank you ladies for all you do!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Lunch Ladies
Let' go Arrows! We wore purple and gold to cheer on the Arrows last Friday to a victory.
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Anderson purple
Nelson purple
Turbak purple
Last Wednesday was class color day and we celebrated in style! Arrow Power!!!
over 3 years ago, McKinley Early Childhood Center
Anderson color day
VanWell/Staff color day
Nelson color day
Thomas color day