McKinley had a Pow-Boom-Blast during homecoming last week. Our theme was Superhero this year and we celebrating on Tuesday with a Superhero dress up day!
We will dismiss at 1:30 tomorrow for the Arrow Days homecoming parade (starts at 2:00 - downtown). Please make sure your child knows where they are going after school. Thanks!
The Watertown School District app has been updated! If you don't have the app, download it today to have access to important notifications, calendar information, meal menus and MORE.
Thank you Watertown Fire Department for teaching fire safety with 3rd grade today!
Tomorrow is an early out (12:20). Please make sure your child knows where they are going after school. Thanks!
McKinley is celebrating homecoming this week. See the flyer for dress up day info!
The commercial food industry is experiencing unprecedented labor shortages due to Covid-19. As a result of these shortages, many manufacturers cannot produce the products that we and other school districts throughout the country normally use. We are not aware of these shortages until the day of our food order delivery. Due to the shortages changes will be made as needed to the menu. To keep communication to our staff and parents as current as possible, we will only be posting menus through the school website. Under each school a menu section is available for the most current and up to date menu. Thank you for your continued patience with this issue.
Homecoming buttons will be sold during lunchtime tomorrow and Friday! A table will be set up for students to stop by as they head into the lunchroom. Buttons are $1 each and will get students or guardians into the Legend (Monday) and/or the Powderpuff/Burning of the "W" (Thursday) next week. Note: the buttons will not get you into the football game on Friday.
Parents! Please check out this wonderful program. This program is for children who will be in Kindergarten in 2021-2022. A computer and lessons will be supplied at no cost; and if you participate regularly, you will get to keep the computer forever!
Thank you to those who have supported our PTO fundraiser thus far. If you would like to share the information to family and friends, but don't have their email addresses, please see the following instructions:
The PTO is fundraising through SchoolStore again this year! Your student will bring home information today about how to help our school. All it takes is six or more emails to your family or friends and your student will be awarded a "hugger" like in the photo. Additional prize levels can be earned when family or friends make purchases on the link from the emails you send. Thank you for helping McKinley School!
Parents, please fill out the Family Engagement Survey:
Enjoy your long weekend. No school on Monday for Labor Day!
A dentist on wheels! The Delta Dental Mobile provides dental check-ups for students that have not seen a dentist in 2 years at no cost. See attached flyer for details.
Tomorrow is Picture Day at McKinley! Send order forms tomorrow or order online after Picture Day. See packet for details.
Please check out the September newsletter at:
If you'd like to order McKinley or Arrow shirts, please visit:
Thank you to First Premier Bank for donating backpacks loaded with school supplies! Our families are so thankful. :)
There are still some openings for preschool. Please call 882-6350 if you are interested in signing up!
If you live in the McKinley, Roosevelt or Mellette area, you may qualify for Watertown School District's free/no cost preschool program. This is for children age 4 years old by September 1st. Please call 882-6350 to sign up!