BUSINESS OFFICE 605-882-6314
Welcome to the Business Office portion of the Watertown School District's Webpage. The Business Office is responsible for the fiscal management needed to support the District's educational vision and mission. Development of the school budget for consideration by the Watertown School Board and citizens is one of the most important tasks of the Business Office.
The Business Office is responsible for business management activities such as: accounting, auditing, benefits coordination, capital/building projects, assisting with contract negotiations, facility use coordination, payroll, purchasing, and records management.
Business Office type documents may be accessed by clicking on Documents and then Business Office.
Feel free to email or contact any of the Business Office employees identified below if you have questions or if you desire additional information. 605-882-6314
Heidi Clausen, Business Manager
Emily Sovell, Assistant Business Manager
Britney Friese, Benefits Coordinator
Michele Kruse, Executive Assistant to Business Manager
Lisa Cady, Accounts Payable
Michelle Butterfield, Accounts Receivable
Laura Ries, Executive Assistant to Special Services and Business Office