The gifted program is designed to offer academic opportunities and educational services to students in grades two through twelve. These students, because of their academic aptitude, require additional academic services beyond which is offered within the regular classroom and curriculum.
Philosophy and Goals:
Because they are a unique population of learners, gifted students benefit from additional opportunities to enhance their educational and social growth. We believe that by providing additional services beyond the regular curriculum we will give gifted students opportunities to excel and grow academically.
Gifted Program Services:
Students eligible for the gifted program in grades 2-6 may participate in the pullout program which meets one half-day each week at the Intermediate School. If students are identified at grade one, individual modifications may be developed with the help of the regular classroom teacher to meet the student’s needs. Within the regular classroom setting for gifted students at any level, curriculum modifications may need to occur. These modifications may include curriculum compacting, enrichment, mentoring, or topic acceleration to meet the needs of identified students.
Students in grades 7-12 may participate in special topics facilitated by the gifted liaison, enrichment projects, clubs, and extracurricular activities. Gifted students in grades 7-12 will meet with the gifted liaison to facilitate their academic needs. Parent meetings will be held at grade six to help parents understand the services that are available at the secondary grade levels.
Contact Information
Please contact your school administrator, GATE instructor, or TAG Liaison for more information about gifted learners and opportunities for them.
CeCe Soucy, K-6 GATE Instructor
Watertown School District
601 11th Street NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: 605-882-6355
Email: CeCe.Soucy@k12.sd.us
Marcie Wallenmeyer, 7-8 TAG Liaison
Watertown School District
1700 11th Street NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: 605-882-6370
Email: Marcie.Wallenmeyer@k12.sd.us
Kayla Prasek, 9-12 TAG Liaison
Watertown School District
200 - 9th Street NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: 605-882-6316
Email: Kayla.Prasek@k12.sd.us